Muscles, they facilitate all movement. Whether that be your mouth moving, holding you upright or participating in the exercise, ... Muscles, they facilitate all movement. Whether that be your mouth moving, holding you upright or participating in the exercise, they do everything. To do this they convert chemical energy (stored in the bonds of our food) into mechanical energy (to move the body). Read more about the fasci...
Muscles are tissues that contract and cause movement. There are three major types of muscle:
Muscle is extremely complex in molecular action (what happens when you look at a muscle under a microscope) yet simple in function. All muscles really do is contract (become shorter) and relax (back to resting length), obviously, this is an oversimplification. However, for this brief overview, it serves its purpose.
One important distinction, although not the specific topic is the difference between ligaments and tendons, many people can get confused, so see this short definition below.
(Source: Nurselabs)
Muscle-tendon combos stretch across all joints connecting your upper leg to the lower leg and lower arm to the upper arm. This facilitates movement (one bone can move in relation to the other bone).
Skeletal muscle is what we are trying to maintain and build for the most part. Anytime you hit the weights you are trying to increase skeletal muscle. It has various functions, including, but not limited to:
(Source: ScienceDirect)
From a nutritionally perspective calories and protein are most important. First, to provide sufficient energy (calories) to build the new muscle tissue. Second, to provide the raw material (protein) for construction. Okay, well how much? this is where things become tricky. However, we can give general guidelines to follow and then based on your response to whatever training program and nutrition protocol you follow, you can adjust intake to achieve the desired response (Source: NCBI).
As shown below, the general physical activity guidelines, state - "Adults should also do muscle-strengthening activities at moderate or greater intensity that involve all major muscle groups on 2 or more days a week, as these provide additional health benefits". Muscle provides many benefits outside of aesthetics, remember this as we all age and grow old eventually.
For physical activity, those with no underlying health conditions (confirm with your doctor) or complications, following general physical activity guidelines from the World Health Organisation are recommended (Source: BJSM):
"It is recommended that:
(Source: NCBI)
General principles of a healthy, balanced diet rich in omega-3, vitamins and minerals, and fibre are associated with overall health and, therefore, a well functioning system that is efficient in producing new muscle tissue.
Consume plenty of fruit & vegetables. Supplementation may be beneficial to fill the gaps as discussed in "additional considerations" below.
While consumption of most nutrients through natural or fortified foods is preferred, some nutrients may occasionally need supplementation. Especially for restrictive diets or those that lack variety.
As a general rule try to consume 5-7 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. Importantly, if you do not consume animal products you should consult your healthcare professional to discuss and consider a vitamin B12 supplement. The main issue with vitamin B12 is everything is fine until it's not. Meaning its a silent threat to our health, we have stores in the liver that can last 1-2 years and even longer in some instances. Hence, get ahead and check your status, the first sign of vitamin B12 deficiency can, unfortunately, have already caused irreversible damage. Vitamin D is another at risk-nutrient and should be supplemented from October-March in countries of northern latitude (north of the equator, Ireland, UK, Denmark, etc.) (Source: NCBI, MDPI).
Supplements worth considering are
Here at Plent, we are different from most other supplement retailers out there. We are committed to consumer education and empowerment, and transparency and quality assurance of all our own supplements. For this reason, we want all our customers to have a full and rounded understanding of the world of supplementation. If you would like to read more about your muscles and how to build them, check out the links below: